Thursday, May 01, 2014

Comox-Buttle Divide Solo Ski Tour - Day 5

Headwaters of Siokum Creek to Headwaters above Tezla Lake

A long day. I was anxious this morning. My barometer was down from the previous evening and I was worried the weather would close in. The day turned out fine however, and there was a nice sunset this evening so probably tomorrow will be fine to.

I started off by touring to the col between the peaks of Mt. Siokum, wrapping up and around the more eastern of the two. I was nervous about the exposure so I stopped to put my ski crampons on. They make me feel like I am in 4x4 mode. Then I made my way along a high ridge of many bumps to the Aureole Icefield. Some of this terrain did require scrambling down some rocks and there was a boot back down a gully to finally reach the Icefield. Touring up to Rees Ridge was great. The view was spectacular both down to Georgia Strait and towards Mt. Harmston, Argus Mountain and the Red Pillar.
East Peak of Mt. Siokum from Peak 1909

Next, I descended to Milla Lake. I took a narrowing gully down from below Iceberg Peak which worked very well until the end. About 100m above the lake it turned into a waterfall. Referring to the guidebook, I scrambled down the rocks skier's right of the gully. This was difficult with skis, a full pack and wearing ski boots.

Once down on the lake, I scoped out the route between Mt. Harmston and Mt. Tezla. It didn't look like it would go and it was full in the hot sun, so I headed down to the other end of the lake. Here there is a gully which leads between Mt. Harmston and Mt. Argus onto the Cliffe Glacier. For the most part it looked good to go, in the shade with limited exposure. At the top was a cornice which I couldn't see a way around. I went for it and it took a long time to get to the top and the cornice was still there when I arrived. There was a sneak around the left which I took but didn't feel great about because of some cliffs below.

After that I was on the Cliffe Glacier and I had an easy time contouring around Mt. Tezla and finding a place to make camp. Another exciting day coming up tomorrow I am sure.
Milla Lake

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