Thursday, May 14, 2015

Comox to Tofino - Day 1: Savary Island

Little River to Savary Island: 12.7 nautical miles
It was an easy crossing from Little River. 13 nautical miles completed in 3 hours and 44 minutes. I think there must have been a current helping me along.

Savary Island is paradise. I went for a swim right after getting here and the water was warm. I haven't seen any other people. There is lots of broom; a noxious, invasive plant. The weather is great and I hope it stays like this as long as possible!

I had planned to paddle to Shark Spit on Marina Island tomorrow but I might try to go further, maybe the 'Orchard' on Read Island.

I have many reasons for doing this trip but I don't think any of them matter. I need to be open to whatever this experience can teach me, success or failure is of no consequence. I want to be happier in life. While I am out here, I am.

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