Friday, May 29, 2015

Comox to Tofino - Day 16: Raft Cove

Lowrie Bay to Raft Cove: 11.0 nautical miles

I departed Lowrie Bay at 9:30 am. I wanted an earlier start in case the wind rose later in the day but it was tough to rouse myself, it being my first time with a roof over my head in over two weeks. The cabin shelter here is rough but rodent free and functional. It was just as well because I had a light wind at my back for the entire paddle, ideal conditions.

I paddled in to check out Sea Otter Cove and there was a Sea Otter right there at the entrance! The Helen Islands also at the cove's entrance looked like they would be a nice place to camp.

I passed by San Josef Bay but did not go in because it was to big to explore. Hopefully, I can arrange a trip here with some friends at a later date because it would be great area to investigate. Next, Cape Palmerston wasn't difficult to paddle around because the swell is low today. I saw a very large pile of logs on one beach, as if made by a Lodge of Giant Beavers.

Raft Cove was a busy place; five to ten surfers in the water and another dozen people milling about on shore with tents along the beach. With so many people around, I didn't think I would be able to stay at the cabin. I brought my kayak onto the beach a ways away on the south side of the Macjack River and went to investigate. There was no one there. I doubled back, hauled my boat back into the water, paddled through the turbulent water where the river reached the ocean and moved myself in.

I don't drink coffee often but there was some left in the cabin and I brewed myself up a cup, cooking it up Slovenjian style.

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